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Prenatal and Postnatal Yoga classes offer pregnant people and new parents an opportunity to practice yoga tailored to this special time in a community of peers. Classes enhance their enjoyment of pregnancy and new parenthood and normalize the physical and emotional changes they are experiencing. Prenatal and Postnatal Yoga teachers have the wonderful job of holding this space with knowledge, compassion and respect for the spectrum of choices and situations commonly faced during this time of life.

The 8 Limbs Prenatal and Postnatal Yoga Teacher Training is designed to ground Registered Yoga Teachers with the information and experience to teach these yoga classes with confidence and safety. The training is now split into three three-day Training Modules and a Practicum component. These segments may be taken in the order most convenient to the participant. All 200-hour Registered Yoga Teachers may attend any of the three modules. Those interested in becoming a Registered Prenatal Yoga Teacher must follow complete all Certification Completion Requirements, which includes either Mentorship or an additional Practicum Module.

  • Teaching Methodology, Part 1: March 17-19, 2017, Part 2: April 26th-28th, 2017
  • Anatomy & Physiology: June 7-9, 2017


Venue: 8 Limbs Capitol Hill

Cost: $380-1520


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