Next Training: June 29-July 31, 2020
The 8 Limbs Summer Intensive Teacher Training was designed for students, schoolteachers, and others with a flexible schedule and/or an interest in full immersion into yoga. This training is limited to 15 participants, allowing for a more intimate and individual experience. It runs from late June to end of July every year.
“All aspects of my yoga knowledge were developed, creating a well-rounded picture of the practice and lifestyle. I also received great instruction on precise alignment of poses to facilitate variations in those who may need it as well as improvement in my own practice. Excellent cues were given for the teaching process, along with a great deal of encouragement.” -Summer 2018 Graduate
This 5-week immersion 200-hour Program includes:
Yoga Sutra 2:46: sthira-sukham asanam
“Posture (asana) [should be] stable (sthira) and comfortable (sukha)”
Asana, Pranayama, and Restoratives (90 hours)
✓ Learn to practice and skillfully teach poses through greater understanding of anatomy, energetic actions and modifications
✓ Understand specific benefits of postures and pranayama for building a personal practice or for working with a wide range of students
✓ Practice modifications for injuries and/or special needs
✓ Adjustments and assisting to meet individual needs
✓ Learn contraindications for foundational poses
“If anything is sacred, the human body is sacred”.
– Walt Whitman
Anatomy and Physiology (25 hours)
✓ Explore foundational concepts and terminology for the entire body
✓ Learn the names of common bones and muscles to support popular asanas
✓ Experiential classes weaving anatomical concepts and principles into poses
✓ Understand pathology and contraindications to keep your students safe
✓ Body systems – learn what the organs of the body do and how they are affected by asanas
✓ Energetic anatomy – nervous system to bandhas and chakras
“Teaching is not an imposition of the teacher’s will over that of the pupil, not at all. Teaching starts with freedom and ends with freedom.”
– Vanda Scaravelli
Art of Teaching/Teaching Practice and Sequencing (25 hours)
✓ Dive into the 8 Limbs Teaching Template to design a diverse range of classes from Intro Series, Basics, Vinyasa Flow, to Anatomical Themed classes
✓ Art of Teaching classes emphasize teaching, observation and assisting principles
✓ Weekly practice sessions teaching in small groups or one-on-one
✓ Create asana sequences with Mentor feedback
✓ Learn inclusive language for teaching diverse groups
“Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self”
The Bhagavad Gita
Philosophy, Ayurveda and Yogic Lifestyle (30 hours)
✓ Experience the Yoga sutras and learn how to bring them to life in your in practice, relations, and meditation practice
✓ Conversation on the Dharma (wisdom teachings) of the Sutras
✓ Introductory look at meditation and mindfulness.
✓ Familiarize yourself with the many traditional paths of yoga
✓ Learn basic Sanskrit for common poses
✓ How to use the chakras for personal growth and in designing asana classes
✓ Use the 5 Elements in Ayurveda to understand your unique constitution and create healthy routines
“True happiness is when the love that is within us finds expression in external activities.”
– Ammachi
Tools to Thrive as a Teacher + Ethics and Diversity Training (10 hours)
✓ Business of yoga class to explore the many ways to make a living as a teacher and how to set up realistic goals after graduating
✓ How to prepare for yoga auditions and apply for teaching positions
✓ Participate in engaging conversations such as, Holding Inclusive Space class which explores concepts: unpacking unconscious bias, body positive and inclusive language for teachers, and making agreements for safe space
✓ Conversations in ethics for teachers to understand the value of boundaries, policy and personal practice
20 hours homework (workshop development and research paper)
8 Limbs Teacher Training Manual
Program Requirements
✓ Minimum two years yoga asana practice and 6 months personal practice at start of training; exceptions only with instructor approval
✓ Attendance of all training gatherings
✓ Completion of required reading list and homework
✓ Passing grade on take home final exam
✓ Workshop Development
✓ Research Paper
“8 Limbs Teacher Training definitely broadened my knowledge of yoga, but it also made me a better person. I came out of the training surprised at the amount I had learned about myself. Every day since I have felt the impact of this training on how I approach my world.” –Summer 2019 Graduate
Dates: June 29-July 31, 2020
Tuition: $3,700 through May 1, $3,800 after