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Join Gurucharan Singh, director of Teachers Training with KRI, for a 6-day workshop in the 21 Stages of Meditation. This course is divided into 3 stages of 2 days each.


First Journey: The Crystallized Self

The focus of the first journey is to recognize, experience and crystallize the Self. The blocks are encountered in the first four stages: upset, boredom, irritation and frustration. The first ascent starts when we have a sense of our Self, separate from all the commotions, emotions and sensory impulses; we begin to focus and recognize a still point, a nucleus within, which is the Self. It is this crystallized sense of Self that is needed in order for consciousness to work.

Second Journey: The Expressive Self 

In this second journey, the initial challenge is to develop a sensitivity to the Self, as we engage in relationships and participate in life. When we take the seed of our Self and our identity and project it into the world, it expands. In this second journey, we cultivate the meditative skill to merge with our projection yet still be able to distill our Self from the various roles we play; in this way, this second journey prepares us to maintain our integrity in action and ultimately to find the stillness within every action.

Third Journey: The Transcendent Self

In this final journey, we recognize all that we are as the formless presence of the infinite Self. We open the dimension of our Transcendent Self. This journey requires us to go beyond differences and similarities into reality and unity. By forging an elevated identity with our infinite Self within our finite self, we become spontaneous, creative and flexible. We excel in this infinite game of the soul. Love, compassion and kindness become the core of our experience. At the peak of this journey, we become the nothing within the center of all that is. Mystery is now mastery. The sacred space opens up to intuitive presence, which serves innocence, loves life, blesses all, and praises the Infinite, the all within All. You become you, nothing more, nothing less. In this final journey, we become realized human beings.


Things to Bring:

Loose Yoga Clothes, Yoga Mat, Bac jack or Meditation pillow, snacks for between breaks, meditation shawl or blanket. Chairs will be available for those unable to sit on the floor for extended times.
This course is open to everyone who has a deep desire to experience your contemplative capacity in a community of other practitioners. All cost and fees include a lunch, but does not include the 21 stages of meditation book. This will be offered separately.


Dates: August 6-11
Cost: $800-$900
Location: Red Lion In Bellevue


About the instructor: Gurucharan Singh

Gurucharan Singh


Gurucharan Singh Khalsa is a psychotherapist, teacher and writer, and is a world-recognized expert in the science and technology of Kundalini Yoga. He is a business consultant, therapist, MIT instructor and director of a large community of yoga practitioners. Today, he is a leading expert in Kundalini Yoga and meditation and his passion for teaching this ancient form of yoga insures that, through his work, he is able to continue assisting people in great numbers.
Dr. Khalsa is an acknowledged expert in the mind and in the applied psychology of meditation and peak performance. His consultancy services are retained by top companies such as Arthur Andersen and Mercer. His professional focus is on executive coaching, conflict resolution, stress management, creativity and interfacing high information technology systems with optimal human performance.



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