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Who were you before the world told you who you had to be?  The Brave and Bold workshop is intended to help you shed your “shoulds” and “shouldn’ts”, anchor into self worth and learn to build a healthy boundary of protection against what other people think.

Join international yoga teacher and and personal coach specializing in shifting anxiety, shame and perfectionism, Lisa Dumas, for this two-hour exploration of hatha, yin and restorative yoga inviting you to strengthen your body, soften and manage your thoughts and reconnect to the truth of your worthiness. Please bring a journal, a pen and a favourite childhood photo!

About the Teacher: Lisa Dumas

Lisa Dumas Yoga Teacher

Something needed to change. Each day my thoughts assaulted me, reminding me of all the ways I wasn’t measuring up, frightening me with images of doom and illness. I was trapped in disordered anxiety and my life got very small. Fear caused me to retreat from many aspects of a fully engaged existence. The edges of each day blurred while I anesthetized my worries with alcohol, the only way I knew to experience a few hours of freedom. Until yoga.

If you’re tired of trying so hard, of believing you are too much, not enough, unworthy and wrong, if you’re ready to overcome fear and move toward love, contact me to begin a conversation about how we can work together to support you as you step into the life you were meant to live.


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