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Experience the transformative power of community kirtan at with Emily. Join us for an enchanting evening of devotional chanting, accompanied by traditional instruments, in a welcoming and peaceful space. No singing expertise required – simply immerse yourself in the uplifting energy of the group. Connect with community, seek inner peace, and create harmony together. Come discover the profound joy of sacred sound and ecstatic celebration

Date and time:Friday, Nov 17, 2023 at 6:45 pm – 9:00 pm

About the Instructor : Emily Fish
Emily-fish (2)Emily has dedicated her life to studying music and dance, practicing yoga, traveling the world, and embracing mother nature’s beauty in all her manifestations. She has always strived to live a free spirited life of adventure and play. From a young age, Emily was inspired by her mother’s vision to be a creative force from which others could gain confidence to actively change the direction of their lives. She began teaching yoga and meditation in 2010 after studying abroad in India for three years. After years of incorporating the fluidity of dance, the synchronization of music, and as much strength training and stamina building as possible into her yoga practice, she met her first barre class. Immediately she fell in love and knew that was the direction she wanted to grow as a teacher! You can expect all her classes to incorporate seamless transitions that are super challenging and driven by a motivating and invigorating playlist!

Emily became a certified Ashtanga Vinyasa teacher in 2009 and a certified Yin Yoga teacher in 2013. She completed her Barre teacher training in 2018. She is also a certified Ayurvedic Practitioner and Massage Therapist. Her passion is teaching and inspiring others to achieve a balanced lifestyle that encompasses all dimensions of health and wellness

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