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No registration is needed. The suggested event donation is $10 plus teacher dana. (Dana is a term for generosity, or freely offered giving.) Teacher dana can be offered at the event. Please use your best efforts to pay the suggested donation or another heartfelt amount. All are welcome regardless of ability to pay.

If you have a question for the teacher or about this event, please send it to calendar@seattleinsight.org.

Date & Time: 

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Cost: The suggested event donation is $10 plus teacher dana.


About the instructor: Phillip Moffitt

Phillip Moffitt
Phillip Moffitt is a co-guiding teacher at Spirit Rock Meditation Center in Northern California and the founder of the Life Balance Institute, a nonprofit organization devoted to the study and practice of spiritual values in daily life (www.lifebalance.org). A specialist in guiding people through change and transition, Phillip combines dharma teachings with his years of practical and spiritual counseling experience to create unique learning opportunities. Phillip is the author of Dancing with Life: Buddhist Insights for Finding Meaning and Joy in the Face of Suffering (Rodale, April 2008), Emotional Chaos to Clarity (Hudson Street Press, 2012) and has written for numerous magazines, including Yoga Journal, Body and Soul, and Shambhala Sun.

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