EnerQi Yoga (pronounced “EnerChee”) is a powerful integration of Yoga, QiGong and Energy Medicine. We will be weaving together techniques from all three methods, deepening the work we can do with our yoga practice. Qigong and Energy Medicine are based on the Chinese meridian system, and focus on specific practices to open major energy channels, clear blockages, boost the immune system, and promote general health and healing. Learn how to apply specific energetic techniques to improve sleep, stay healthy, improve digestion, reduce stress, calm the mind, and more!
- Mondays
- Nov. 6th – Dec. 11th, 2017
- 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Cost: $125
About the Instructor: Lynn Jensen
Lynn Jensen, E-RYT, RPYT, C-IAYT, MBA is a Registered Yoga Instructor and a Certified Yoga Therapist, and holds a Level 2 certification in Energy Medicine Yoga. She has been teaching yoga since 1997. Her passion is teaching women to use yoga to support their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. Lynn teaches Yoga for Fertility classes, workshops and teacher trainings; Yoga for Healthy Hormones classes and Yoga for Women classes at Microsoft. She also teaches weekly EnerQi Yoga classes, integrating yoga, Energy Medicine, and Qigong. Lynn is co-author of Yoga for Fertility, A Journey to Health and Healing, and producer of the DVD Yoga for Fertility: Simple Practices for Fertility Support. More info at: www.yogaforfertility.net or www.yogaforhealthyhormones.com