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Join us and connect with your family’s gifts of harmony, love, laughter & fitness though the ancient practice of yoga.
Yoga poses, breathing exercises and nurturing relaxation techniques will awaken the inner child in all. This class is a wonderful opportunity for some family bonding time.
Children ages 6-12 w/parent

Drop in:

  • $20 for 1 child w/parent or use class pass.
  • $5 for each additional family member

About the Instructor: Heather Hested

Heather Hested Yoga SeattleHeather is a huge believer in the power of movement and she teaches yoga because of its power to transform from inside out. She has a 200-hr certification from locally-based Pacific Yoga and offers slow flow, alignment- focused classes for adults and game-playing, story-telling yoga-based movement classes for kids. Yoga offers balance and compassion to the competitive strive-to-win, aggressive mentality in which we are so accustomed. A devoted practice nourishes the body, mind, spirit and brain; and, centers people in ways that empower them to be their most authentic selves. This centering allows people more personal acceptance and openness to the world and opportunities around them, whether on the racecourse, in the corporate world or, in daily life. Ultimately, there must be the graceful balance between effort and ease for a calm mind and invigorated prana to flow within. This applies to everything we do and while so simple, it is so hard to do! Heather fueled by yoga, it’s ability to awaken connection and self-study, and loves all that yoga teaches her. It’s through yoga that she is grateful for the opportunity to share this practice with others.


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