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Gain a new perspective on your health through the wonderful world of Ayurveda.

Described as the Vedic Science of Life, Ayurveda is a five-thousand-year-old healing tradition originating in India. It is the sister science to yoga or the medical side of yoga. Ayurveda studies the harmony between humans and the environment and treats every individual as a whole, assessing body, mind, and spirit to assist in maintaining overall health.

In this In Person course, you’ll have the opportunity to learn the fundamental principles of Ayurveda and how you can use those principles to start peeling back the layers of who you think you are to reveal who you really are and own it. Discover how to be the happiest and healthiest version of YOURSELF.

Workshop includes:
– 1 hour lecture/discussion
– 1 hour Tri-doshic balancing yoga practice


Date & Time: Mar. 27th @11am-1pm

Cost: $40


About the instructor: Angela Glaz

Angela GlazAngela began teaching yoga in 2004 while obtaining her degree in Elementary Education. Having started practicing yoga herself to alleviate chronic back pain and symptoms of depression, she was able to begin living a life she didn’t even know could exist.

Angela has completed her 200 hours of Yoga Teacher Training through Himalaya Yoga Valley, an internationally accredited yoga school in Goa, India. She has also completed her kid’s and Family Yoga Teacher Training through Rainbow Kids and has done additional training with Street Yoga, a non-profit that offers yoga to “at risk youth.” This past January, Angela headed back to India to complete her 500 hour training with Himalaya Yoga Valley. Her 500 hour research paper was focused on, “Reconnecting Ayurveda and Yoga.”

Teaching yoga to groups of all ages and abilities, Angela encourages students never to take their practice too seriously. She has lead workshops in Partner Yoga, Kids’ Yoga, Paddleboard Yoga, and Chakra Focus.

Angela can be found teaching fun and silly classes to preschoolers at Whittier Elementary in Ballard. She can be found teaching encouraging and light-hearted classes to kids of all ages at Sweat Hot Yoga in Fremont.

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