Bye Bye 2020: Hello 2021!!
We did it …. wait …. we did WHAT exactly??
If you’re anything like me 2020 left me wondering ‘ what the heck just happened ?? ‘
Part of the yoga practice is allowing space to PROCESS our experiences. When we step onto the mat we set the intentional to feel and actualize our experiences. That way we can begin to move THROUGH what’s happened, bringing along the value from what’s been learned, and consciously deciding to leave behind anything that doesn’t need to evolve.
What might be lying inside waiting to be felt, seen, and acknowledged? Join us for this Free challenge and find out!
*This challenge is for community building, so bring along a friend (or 2) to participate with you!
Friday, January 1st – Sunday, January 31st, 2021
From 10am – 11am
Cost: Free
About the instructor: Tara Dyberg
A builder, a creator … in love with the tools of yoga and how they illuminate life.
My background is in movement, as far back as I can remember. It started with a love for dance at an early age, that lead me down a path of professional performance with varying companies in my native land Canada. In my mid twenties I started noticing that no matter how ‘successful’ I was in my field, I wasn’t feeling FULL-filled. A realization shared by many… which started me on another path of SEEKING. That soul searching lead me to yoga and an exploration of self, towards something that felt deep, raw, truthful.
I teach bhakti vinyasa yoga, a yoga of devotion and heartfelt movement. I draw from deep experiences of the body, balancing the spiritual with the physical aspects of practice as I use yogic tools of mudras, mantras, asanas, mythology, and joyful sequencing to cultivate a strong sense of self in community with others. The gods and goddesses all had tools to wield, as do we on our journey to liberation!