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A special Pre-Halloween Class with Sada Simran and Shiva Preet
Friday, Oct 25th @7 pm  South Jackson Street

Heal the emotional wounds that have been passed down for Generations
Release negative belief systems from your Cellular Memories
Break the Piscean hold that keeps your mind in judgment
Awaken Your heart to heal the wounds of past generations

Heal your ancestral Lineage! Heal the wounds that have been passed down from generation to generation, the wounds we carry with us today in our Physical bodies, our emotional bodies, and our mental bodies.

When we work on releasing negative thought forms, belief systems, and energies from our cellular memories and subconscious, we directly impact our generational lineage.

As Aquarian beings, it’s for us to stop the old impressions of good and evil… the stories of victim and abuser… It’s for us to heal the wounds that have been passed down to us so that we can break the karma that holds our lineages’ hostage.

As Siblings of Destiny, let us break these bonds and free the seven generations that came before and the seven generations yet to come.

Join for me for this important Kundalini yoga class as Shiva Preet and I take you through a guided sound immersion and meditation to release our ancestors from their bonds of fear. As we heal and release the fear of our ancestors… we release our own fear that binds us.

$18 Drop-in Price. Regular Class prices. All class Passes Accepted!
Please bring your yoga mat and a blanket for an extended Gong layout


About the instructor: Sada Simran

Sada Simran


Sada Simran is a certified Kundalini Yoga teacher. He studied directly under the supervision of Yogi Bhajan for over 35 years. Before moving to Seattle in 2007, he was acting director of Yoga West in Los Angeles, Yogi Bhajan’s home studio. He brings to his classes insights into the nature of consciousness and inspires his students to go beyond their perceived limitations. Join him for a transformative healing journey into self-discovery in any of his classes and enjoy the deep meditative experience brought to you through the Gong.



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