Jill will lead a deep dive into the postures of the classic 26&2 Hatha format. Each posture will be reviewed in detail with tips to help you get the most from your Hatha practice. You will have the opportunity to ask questions and get personalized feedback and instruction. Limited space available.
Wear yoga clothing. The room will be warm but not heated to the normal Hatha temperature (so leggings may be more comfortable than shorts).
Session 1: The Standing Series (Standing Deep Breathing through Tree Pose)
Saturday, October 21, 2:00-4:00 pm
Session 2: The Floor Series (Savasana through Final Breathing)
Saturday, October 28, 2:00 – 4:00 pm
Date and time: Saturday, October 28, 2:00 – 4:00 pm
Cost: $40 per session or $70 for both
About the Instructor : Jill Tiedeman
Like many people, Jill started practicing yoga as a way to bring flexibility into her fitness regimen, which at the time included a lot of running. Her first class was a 90-minute hot Hatha style and after a few classes she was totally hooked to the point that yoga became her favorite form of physical conditioning and everything else took a backseat. That was in 2007 and while lots of other changes have transpired in Jill’s life since then, yoga has remained a constant. With time her practice evolved to include other styles of yoga and gradually her focus on the mat became as much about the mental and spiritual benefits as the physical. Jill was especially drawn to the sense of empowerment she gained from the control yoga gave her over her constantly spinning thoughts and the sense of calm she could achieve through conscious breathing. In 2017, Jill completed her first 200+ hour teacher training with Be Yoga Burien– a truly life-changing experience that ignited a passion to learn as much as possible about yoga theory/philosophy and a love for teaching that she never expected to discover. Jill has since completed 3 additional trainings and today she considers herself incredibly fortunate to be able to share her love of yoga as an instructor in The 26, Vinyasa, Yin and Pre-Natal styles in studio, corporate and private class environments. Connecting with other yogis and participating in her students’ yoga journeys is a deeply rewarding privilege that humbles and inspires her every day!