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Date & time:  Jan 15 2019, from: 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM.


Iyengar Yoga is one of the most sophisticated methods of yoga yet most accessible. It is one of the most respected methods of yoga available.
This intro class is for those who would like to have some experience of Iyengar Yoga with an experienced teacher.
You will get some feel for what this method of yoga is like and why it may be appealing to you. The room is not heated above normal temperatures.

 1-2-month and  Beginning courses will be starting the first week of February 2019.

 Practiced by over 10 million people worldwide Iyengar Yoga has influenced how yoga is practiced and taught worldwide.
Some of the hallmarks of Iyengar Yoga are:
  • Attention to detail and precision in how yoga poses are taught and practiced
  • Emphasis  on Standing Poses to Prepare students for more poses of other categories
  • Careful Sequencing so that no injury or imbalance is created
  • Uses of Props to make yoga more available, more exacting and more interesting
  • Longer stays in the poses for more experienced students
Iyengar yoga is named for the legendary yoga teacher BKS Iyengar, author of many books on yoga including, Light on Yoga, Light on Pranayama, Light on The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, and Light on Life.

The Class is Free For Brand New Students to The Center Provided you sign up for it on our website clicking on the link and filling out a student profile (no credit card info is needed), and sign the liability form.

The Class is $20 for non-new students who register online.

For those that don’t pre-register the drop-in fee of $23 will be charged at the class.

About the TeacherRichard Schachtel

Richard SchachtelRichard Schachtel has been training in Iyengar Yoga for over 40 years which emphasis developing a practice with a high degree of precision of alignment. He founded The Center For Yoga in 1980 and is a Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher and an authorized Iyengar Yoga Teacher Trainer. He has made 22 yoga study trips to India to personally train with the Iyengar Family most recently in December 2017. Richard is the Seattle Area’s most Senior Iyengar Yoga Teacher. Richard has been training teachers in Seattle since 1986 and has influenced several generations of yoga teachers. There are over 125 recent graduates of this program which is offered also on the weekends, and in 4 week immersions.

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