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Level 1&2 – The Fundamentals of Iyengar Yoga: Our Level 1&2 classes emphasize the fundamentals or basics that lay the foundation for a safe, intelligent, and more powerful future practice. The Level 1&2 courses teach the basic standing poses, sitting postures, and beginning inversions. All students new to Iyengar yoga need begin in either Level 1&2 OR in Slower yoga. 

The Hallmarks of learning Iyengar Yoga are:
  • the emphasis on creating good, safe alignment in every pose.
  • the use of everyday props to give stability, prevent overstretching, and allow the student to do poses with better alignment.
  • Intelligent sequencing which properly prepares students for more advanced and intricate practices without fear of injury.
  • Responsive teachers who can give alternative poses to those who need them.
Course fees are $68-$85 per month for a 4 week month or a 5 week month provided you register at least 1 week before the start date of the course.
There is a $5 late fee for those that register after the last class of the current month(this is usually within 7 days of the start date except for times when there is more than a week break between classes ending and starting again.
8-9 Week Courses are $136-$145 provided early.
Iyengar Yoga is considered the Gold Standard of Yoga Systems with a considerable degree of emphasis on creating good alignment in every pose and the development of awareness of how to practice well and appropriately.
Date: Jan 04 2019 – Jan 25 2019, from: 11:15 am – 12:45 pm.

About the Teacher:         Richard Schachtel

Richard SchachtelRichard Schachtel has been training in Iyengar Yoga for over 40 years which emphasis developing a practice with a high degree of precision of alignment. He founded The Center For Yoga in 1980 and is a Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher and an authorized Iyengar Yoga Teacher Trainer. He has made 22 yoga study trips to India to personally train with the Iyengar Family most recently in December 2017. Richard is the Seattle Area’s most Senior Iyengar Yoga Teacher. Richard has been training teachers in Seattle since 1986 and has influenced several generations of yoga teachers. There are over 125 recent graduates of this program which is offered also on the weekends, and in 4-week immersions.


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