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Join us for another benefit zoom dance party!.
Custom world music playlist!
It’s is simple and fun and great to move on a Saturday night!
Haven’t joined a virtual dance party?  Take a look at the Jimmy Fallon, Billy Idol & The Roots Remix “Dancing with Myself”

Donations requested, but not required, to benefit North Helpline food bank.

How will it work?
1. All you need is a device to JOIN the Two Dog Benefit Dance Party zoom room
2. Dance as long as you want with video on or off
3. Chat with friends in the Two Dog chat room
4. Say goodnight and sleep well because you moved your body with community in joy!

Date & Time: Saturday, March 27th | 7-9 pm
Cost: $5-$50


About the instructor: Annie Stocker

Annie StockerAnnie Stocker, owner of Two Dog Yoga Studio, first discovered yoga while traveling and studying in Southeast Asia in 1980. She was instantly drawn to the quiet strength and depth of tradition, and felt the deep grounding that a practice of physical, mental and energetic commitment offers. Since then, the practice and teaching of yoga has been fundamental to her lifelong study of health and well-being.
For many years, the strength and precision of Iyengar yoga was Annie’s focus. During this time she studied with Felicity Green, Judith Lasater and Ramanand Patel. Since 2000, Annie has focused her studies on the teachings of Sarahjoy Marsh and Doug Keller. She is currently enrolled in a 500-hour Registered Yoga Therapy training with Sarahjoy Marsh in Portland Oregon. Annie’s fascination with anatomy and physiology, and her passion for the natural world and its rhythms continues to inspire her yoga practice and teaching.
Annie brings over twenty-five years of experience as a Hellerwork and massage practitioner to her teaching. When she’s not teaching yoga, she offers massage therapy, Hellerwork and private yoga sessions in a lovely garden studio, ‘Little Dog’. Yoga students benefit from the one-on-one focus bodywork brings; bodywork clients can take their healing deeper by joining Two Dog’s ongoing classes.

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