“Don’t feel sorry for self if you have chosen the wrong road – turn around!” -Edgar Cayce
Come join Liz and Roy as we say good riddance to 2020! Start the new year right with a powerful weekend of being, meditation, healing, resting, silent time, community, wisdom teachings and healthy food at our sacred home in North Everett. Learn what meditation is, and is not.
We will revisit the experiences and lessons and yes, rewards of 2020, one of the most challenging years in our world history. We’ll explore the nature of the egoic mind, and why it can drive us crazy! We will focus on two main aspects of meditation: compassion and practicality. Beyond all “shoulds” and dogma, we will bring a heartfelt compassion to our practice in a kind and practical way. We will be truthful with ourselves about the true goals of meditation. Why do it and what can it do for me / we.
Roy and Liz have taught meditation for over 20 years.
Note: This is a more cost effective non-residential alternative in Everett (you can return home or stay somewhere Saturday night.) We do have one or two rooms available for an extra $50 for Saturday night.
This retreat is suitable for all levels.
Theme: Align with Divine and Shine! This retreat will help us jump out of the 2021 gate shining bright. Meditation is more than just calming down and reducing stress. We will explore keeping one’s center even amidst challenging, chaotic and changing times. Practice stepping out of the drama and being a high vibration, joyful presence and helping co-create a New Earth Paradigm.
All our human challenges and problems–be they physical, psychological, or emotional–stem from falling out of alignment, off track. There is no judgment about this, but we can begin to re-align.
Humans are very busy! We are honoring your time by making this shorter, more affordable retreat option available for a chance to connect with your true Self, relax and unwind.
Understand how to bring compassion to your life, and to the aspects of yourself you do not like, hate or have worked so hard to “get rid of”. Make peace with what is and see that what we seek is already here, now!
“Through delusion you are perceiving yourself as a bundle of flesh and bones, which at best is a nest of troubles. Meditate unceasingly, that you may quickly behold yourself as the Infinite Essence, free from every form of misery.” -Lahiri Mahasaya
Date & Time: April 10th-11th, 2021 @10am – 5pm
Cost: Sliding Scale $150 – 200
About the instructors: Roy Holman & Liz Gross
Roy Holman: I am a 500 hour Certified Yoga teacher, in the Viniyoga tradition. I teach a safe, gentle, body-friendly, grounded, breath-connected, meditative, flowing traditional hatha yoga – a meditation in motion really. I like to move slow, give time to breathe deeply and savor the poses. I also teach breath-work (pranayama) and meditation, and also try to incorporate the many aspects of emotional healing and balancing I have learned. The meditation is a mindfulness style, with focus on breath awareness, heart opening, body senses, emotional clearing, and connection on all levels (body, breath, emotions, Earth, Spirit).
Liz Gross: “I believe all healing involves alignment of the soul with the body.” Liz is a gifted sound and vibration healer, and teaches with Roy on retreats. Liz teaches yoga, meditation, Oneness and often does some of the cooking on our retreats. “When you’re consciously in touch with the life energy within yourself, you have awareness & communication with the flow of energy that connects you to spirit. I feel very passionate about Vibrational Medicine and love working with others in this way & helping others to connect with their purpose and passion in life. Vibrational Energy Medicine brings the physical, emotional, mental, & spiritual bodies back into balance, which opens the way for rebuilding the healing systems of the body.”