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Transcend the limitations of your body by tapping into the power of your mind through meditation!

Did you know that just a few minutes of meditation a day helps anxiety, depression, and pain? Meditation is an effective technique of stress reduction and conscious relaxation. Meditation also brings peace, understanding and compassion into your life. It helps us change negative thought patterns and reveal our best selves. It is the key to connecting to your True Self.

In this workshop you will learn:

Simple breathing & focus techniques
A deeper understanding of the science behind meditation
Various sitting positions & meditation techniques
Introduction to using mantras & mudras
How to create a sacred, peaceful and effective meditation practice.

Wear comfortable clothes & bring a journal, if you like.

Optional Chanting session 1:45 – 2:15 pm Open to all.


Dates: Sunday, October 20.
Time: 11:30 – 1:30 pm
Cost: $35


About the instructor: Sarah Nolan

Sarah Nolan

Washington native, traveler at heart. She lives in a little house by the water with two handsome cats, a nice view and a big yard. I love dancing, reading, traveling and Yoga.

Sarah is a teacher. She holds a Master’s degree in Education , a 300 hour Yoga teaching certificate and 150 hours in Meditation teaching. She is a life-long learner and spends time each year learning and practicing with her Yoga community in Bali.

300 hour Yoga Teaching Certificate, Blooming Lotus Yoga School, Koh Phangan, Thailand/Ubud, Bali, Indonesia, 2014~

150 hour Meditation Teaching Certificate, Blooming Lotus Yoga School, Ubud, Bali, Indonesia, 2015~ present

Why I Teach…

Teaching is my natural state of being. Yoga helps me connect with my True Nature, and I hope to help others connect with theirs.


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