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Fascia (spider web like connective tissues) play an important role in the support and function of our bodies, since it surrounds and attaches to all structures. In the normal healthy state the fascia is relaxed and has the ability to stretch and move without restriction.

Myofascial Release Therapy is a safe and effective technique that involves applying gentle pressure into the Myofascial connective tissue that covers the bones and organs.

In this workshop you will learn how to use blocks and tennis balls to work on these release techniques that help break down scar tissue rejuvenate and hydrate the fascia in your feet, hamstrings, inner thighs, gluten and medius.

These techniques can be a great addition to your yoga practice. Bring a yoga mat, towel, and water. We will provide all other props.

Date: Saturday, February 16th – 12-1pm
Cost: $20

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