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In Chinese medicine it is believed that energy flow through each meridian is enhanced or prominent during a specific two-hour period of the 24-hour clock. Learn the 12 meridians and which time period the flow is maximized in each meridian. Discover how you can use this information to enhance your health and optimize your life.

Price: $8

Stay after to try a relaxing chair acupuncture with Cassie. (15 min sessions – $35, 10% off for Members)

Date: Apr 19th, 2019
From: 6:30 PM – 7:15 PM


About the instructor: Cassie McColl

Cassie McColl

Cassie is a 2,000-hour Purna Yoga graduate from Alive & Shine Center having completed the program in 2008. Cassie has 7 years of yoga teaching experience and enjoyed guiding a variety of classes – Hip Opening to Restorative, as well as workshops and teacher trainings in her hometown of Edmonton, AB. Her favorite sequence to teach in Purna Yoga is the magical Hip Series!

Cassie McColl is also a recent graduate of the renowned Bastyr University in Kenmore, WA. She graduated in September of 2018 with a Masters of Science in Acupuncture. She is looking forward to bring the healing and balancing modality of acupuncture to her favorite yoga studio, the Alive & Shine Center.

Cassie is excited to blend the philosophy of Chinese medicine and the knowledge of the multiple acupuncture points into her classes at Alive & Shine Center. Join her in a new journey of exploring two ancient healing modalities of the east – yoga and Chinese medicine!


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