A pause is not a full stop for our change work; it is a comma, parenthesis, the interlude. Pausing is the fallow period that ensures the fertility and subsequent harvest of the coming seasons. Pausing is a precious lacuna in which to gather our inherent wisdom like wildflowers, realign ourselves with our inner compass, and access the crucial skill of discernment. It is present moment work – rather than past or future ruminating – and it is sacred.
Sacred pause allows us to honor ourselves and our source, as well as all beings. We can then step back into the flow of life with renewed vigor, clarity, purpose, and focus. And when we do this, we change the world.
Join Nicole for this spacious 2.5 hour practice where you’ll be supported and led in meditation, gentle movement, pranayama (breathwork), Restorative yoga, creative expression*, and an extended śavāsana (final resting pose). You are encouraged to plan an intentional remainder of your evening.
*Participants will have some time specifically to write, draw, dance, rest, sing, snack, be still, etc – as they wish – in the privacy and comfort of their home.
Participants will want to gather (may change slightly):
✓ Journal / notebook + writing / drawing instruments (optional)
✓ Yoga mat (optional)
✓ Eye cover (such as an eye pillow, lightweight hand towel, bandana, or soft scarf)
✓ A yoga bolster (alternatives: bed pillows, cushions, 2-3 blankets or bath towels rolled up tightly, etc)
✓ 1-2 yoga blocks (alt: a couple thick books, very sturdy shoe box, etc)
✓ 3-4 blankets or large bath towels
✓ A thin or small head pillow (alt: folded or rolled blanket or towel)
✓ Your favorite cozy blanket or warm shawl to cover yourself
✓ Anything else that may enhance your comfort and relaxation experience (hydration, essential oils, ambient music, cozy socks, chocolate, etc)
Date & Time: Friday, December 25th, 2020 @4pm-6:30pm
Tuition: $50
*Important information about online, live streamed events:
✓ You must pre-register at least 45 minutes in advance of the event start.
✓ Registered participants will be emailed a Zoom link and password ~30 minutes prior to the event start.
✓ Ensure that your email on file with us is current, so that you can receive the link!
Please plan carefully: Refunds of 90% are granted up to 5 days prior to the event start; after which, no refunds are given.
About the instructor: Nicole Bratt
Nicole, a Midwest native, is committed to holding space for students so that they may benefit from this elegant practice we know as yoga. She is deeply honored to be doing just that as the Studio Manager at Seattle Yoga Arts. Her life passion is cultivating vibrant and inclusive community wellness, and she is excited to bring her diverse background as a graphic designer, yoga teacher, event planner, photographer, volunteer coordinator, and small business owner to SYA.
As a group fitness instructor, Nicole explored yoga briefly in her 20s, but initially there was little resonance. When yoga crossed her path again in her 30s, she discovered she was ready to fully embrace its life-changing gifts. Her path led to completing both 200-hr and 500-hr teacher trainings at Yoga Tree San Francisco, and she now specializes in Restorative, gentle, therapeutic, and prenatal modalities. She is passionate about the power of stillness as a transformational experience, as well as an antidote to urban living. After 12+ years living, working, and studying in San Francisco, Nicole transplanted to our lush, beautiful Seattle. When she’s not at the studio, you are likely to find Nicole outdoors, listening to live music, creating art, making/eating delicious food, adventuring near and far, or taking a nap.