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Start your New Year with a strong foundation!

As a sitting culture, many of us experience imbalance in the pelvic floor, a key structure of the body. This can affect joints, musculature, digestion and energy flow. Learning to work with the pelvic floor empowers you to address challenges ranging from persistent discomfort to significant pain.

In this workshop you will explore the bone and muscular geography of the pelvic floor, and how to contact it through breath and simple focused movements. A strong pelvic floor contracts when needed yet relaxes and stretches, as well.

Working with the pelvic floor does much more than alleviate discomfort: it energizes and enlivens the whole system.

Chiara will bring her extensive knowledge of anatomy and yoga philosophy together to help you make a meaningful start to 2021.

Date & Time: Friday, January 1st @2pm – 4pm

Cost: $45 through December 26. $50 after

Cancellation Policy: Refunds of 90% up to five days prior to workshop. No refunds allowable after that time.


About the instructor: Chiara Guerrieri

Chiara Guerrieri Yoga Teacher Seattle

What to expect in ­­­Chiara’s Classes: Chiara teaches us how to connect with the body through the breath, how to track physical sensation moment to moment and how to find an internal sense that guides movement and choices for wellbeing. In both her SoulMat & Hatha yoga classes, expect to go slowly, to pay attention to your body and breath, and to explore alignment. An important aspect of Chiara’s teaching is to help students learn when – and from where – to stabilize or mobilize. Expect the wisdom of a 30-year teaching career, plus a good dose of humor, to infuse each class.
Main Influences/Styles/Traditions: SoulMat with Patrizia Gavoni, Hatha Yoga with Bob Smith, Forrest Yoga with Ana Forrest, Shari Fredrickson, ParaYoga with Rod Stryker, and dance from around the world.

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