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Habits can be so sneaky and persistent! We commit ourselves to making changes, and then fall short, over and over. But this need not be the case. With awareness and attention, we can uncover the subconscious patterns of thoughts, feelings, and reactions that pull us away from our best intentions. Through the power of positive affirmations, we rise above self-effort and tap into a state of higher consciousness where transformation and healing truly take place.

Join Lynne Steele for an introduction to the power of positive affirmations and experience them for yourself. In this class, we will explore and practice energetic affirmations that bring deeper meaning and purpose into your daily life. Get ready to transform those pesky habits into positive life choices!


Date & Time: Tuesday, Aug. 18th, 2020 @7pm-8:30pm

Cost: $15


About the instructor: Lynne Steele


Lynne has been a yoga teacher and meditation teacher at the Ananda Institute of Living Yoga in Bothell for many years. Her hope is that you find affirmations that support your own personal expression of well-being in body, mind, and spirit.

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