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This series will be offered by Livestream

What is whiteness? What is white privilege/white supremacy? How can folks who identify as white see and dismantle our racism? At this historic moment of uprising against the violence and injustice of systemic racism and white supremacy, how can our practice support waking up to and dismantling these systems both internally and externally? And how can our spiritual practice support white folks to courageously follow this inquiry without collapsing in shame, guilt, or defensiveness?

Racism is not only racial hatred and bigotry, it includes the vast array of visible and invisible systems that give advantages to people who are considered white while disadvantaging people of color. For white identified folks, looking at it can be painful, provocative, and ultimately liberating.

Come and unpack these questions with the guidance of an experienced, knowledgeable, and compassionate white facilitator.

The 6-week series format will allow time to digest and inquire in a supportive but challenging environment.

Note: this class does not involve asana (posture) practice.

The curriculum of this series is primarily designed for people who identify as white to do the important work of waking up to racism in ourselves and the world. People of color are welcome to join, at no charge; we encourage you to register with a friend for support.

Please email annephyfe@8limbsyoga.com with questions.

Dates & Time:
Thursdays, July 2nd – August 6th, 2020
From 4:00-5:30pm

Tuition: $100-$200

Please join the Social Justice list in our Newsletter preferences to learn about similar offerings, or visit our Yoga for Social Change page for updates.

*To be added to our roster for this class at no charge, please email livestream@8limbsyoga.com with “Unpacking Whiteness” in the subject line.

Note: Our series require a minimum of five registered participants, by five days before the start date; if you are considering joining please register early.

Cancellation Policy: Refunds of 90% up to five days prior to start of series. No refunds allowable after that time.


About the instructor: Anna-Brown Griswold

Anna-Brown GriswoldAnna-Brown Griswold – (she/her pronouns, white-identified). Anna-Brown works as a trauma therapist and facilitator in Seattle. For most of her adult life she’s been experimenting with how to integrate the transformative power of meditative practice, the skills of psychotherapy, and a good dose of radical analysis to challenge and dismantle oppression.  She is passionate about bringing together tools for awakening and social justice. As a mom to a toddler, integrating anti-racism work into the whole beautiful mess of parenting is an ongoing exploration.

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