A message and invitation from former YoBe owner Dee Hein
“I’m delighted to invite you into my home and my practice and to share time together while we are all tucked inside in service to our communities.
Join me as I do my personal practice, mostly gentle yoga with just a few sprinkles of effort, and some heart-centered prayer and meditation. Since we’ll be practicing before bed, I’ll add more restoratives and self massage… yummy! And since we’re home and our practice will be gentle, we can wear our jammies and roll right in to bed after!
I’ve missed you, YoBe Yogis, and I hope to see you in your home sanctuary, in your PJs, ready to nurture yourself and receive love from afar from me.” – Dee
Date & Time: Apr 30th, 2020 @7:30pm – 9pm.
This 90-minute special class is being offered as a fundraiser to support YoBe and our teachers through the shutdown of in-person classes. Choose the price that’s right for you: $20, $30, or $40.
Preregister for the class, and you’ll receive a Zoom link. Please be sure that your account is opted in to receive “reminders and schedule changes” so that you get the email link. If you have any issues registering, please email sarah@yogaonbeacon.com.
About the instructor: Dee Hein
Dee is the director of Yoga on Beacon. For the last 10 years she has thoroughly enjoyed witnessing the YoBe community grow and thrive. It has been her passion to gather a truly awesome team of teachers and share the many benefits of yoga with the Beacon Hill community. It is her core belief that a peaceful world begins with peace inside ourselves, and that if we can positively impact those closest to us through our own compassion and joy, the ripple effect is limitless.
Dee came from spending 10 years as the proprietress of Sadh Desha retreat center on Orcas Island where she ran yoga and meditation workshops and retreats, and provided workshops for people living with cancer. Dee has been studying yoga since 1987 and teaching since 1995. She has completed training programs with Ganga White, Ananda Yoga, Forrest Yoga, Gary Kraftsow, Barron Baptiste, 9 Gates Mystery School, and has studied under many other luminaries of yoga, meditation, massage therapy, and more esoteric healing arts. The tapestry of all these modalities is woven in to her teaching style. Dee sees asana as a passageway to a deep connection to our essence and our higher knowing or spirit. She guides her classes from this inspiration with the intention of allowing the brightest and most joyous of us all to shine forth.