Calling all walkers, hikers, bikers, sitters, or anyone whose body craves attention and relief! If you want to discover new ways to refresh yourself from head to toe, then you need to be here!
In this online* workshop we’ll take 2.5 hours to systematically reset the body using massage therapy balls for deep tissue release, and unwind via yoga and corrective exercises. You’ll leave with a sense of ease, balance, length, and lightness.
This hybrid workshop will incorporate yoga, and draw inspiration from practices and tools made popular by Katy Bowman and Jill Miller to target deep tissue and fascial release. Appropriate for newer students, those who need options to modify their practice, as well as longtime students who enjoy a methodical, balanced practice designed to offer access to deeper fascial planes that regular asana does not address.
Here are props/substitutes you will need to have in order to fully enjoy this workshop:
✓ At least one set of Yoga Tune-up balls or rubber balls. Tennis balls are ok, but not as effective as the other options listed.
✓ A yoga mat (or just a comfy place to be on the floor)
✓ 1-2 firm blankets or thick towels
✓ A belt/strap of some kind a yoga belt such as this, or a leather or cotton belt)
✓ 1-2 yoga blocks or a couple of thick books you could stack on top of one another (something like this)
✓ A wall in your home (free of decoration) to stand against and roll
✓ A dining room chair or a metal folding chair
✓ A firm pillow, or couch / chair cushion you could use as a bolster (something like this)
✓ BONUS items (if you have them, great!):
Alpha Ball
Coregeous Ball or similar such as a Gertie ball
Dates & Time:
Sunday, June 28th, 2020 @1pm – 3:30pm
Tuition: $50
*Important information about online, live streamed events:
✓ You must pre-register at least 60 minutes in advance of the workshop start.
✓ Registered participants will be emailed a Zoom link and password ~45 minutes prior to the event start.
✓ Ensure that your email on file with us is current, so that you can receive the link!
Please plan carefully: Refunds of 90% are granted up to 5 days prior to the class start; after which, no refunds are given.
About the instructor: Beth Award
In 1991, Beth took two summer classes: DOS Programming and Yoga. The computer information didn’t stick, but yoga captured her attention from the very first class: she felt taller and quieter (miraculous!). Since 1994, Beth has been a student at Seattle Yoga Arts, and how she evolved to wear a leotard to work is still a bit of a joyful mystery to her. Inspired by Denise and her own “unfolding”, Beth left her corporate job to teach yoga in 2003. She achieved Anusara-Inspired licensing in 2007 and is an E-RYT 200 Registered Yoga Teacher through Yoga Alliance. Beth offers a warm and compassionate instruction style that stems from her love and enthusiasm for the practice. She continues to be inspired, pulled, and prodded by life in all sorts of directions.