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Rest and relax in a bath of sound while receiving acupuncture. A sound bath is a therapeutic concert where the sounds and vibrations produced by different instruments (Tibetan singing bowls, koshi chimes, drum, rain stick, tingsha) will allow the brain waves to shift to a state of deep relaxation. It is in this state that the body releases stress and the natural healing mechanisms are activated. An ear acupuncture protocol will be used to balance the nervous system and the major organs. You will leave restored and rejuvenated!

Date & Time: Aug 9th, 2019 @7pm – 8:30pm

Cost: $35

What to bring: yoga mat, pillow, and blanket. If you are a first-timer come 10 min earlier to fill out the paperwork for acupuncture.


About the instructor: Ioana Todoran

Ioana TodoranIoana Todoran is licensed as Diplomate of Acupuncture by NCCAOM and as an East Asian Medicine Practitioner by WA State Department of Health. She graduated a 3.5 years program at Wu Hsing Tao School of Five Element Acupuncture & Psychology.
Ioana is also certified as an Acupuncture Detox Specialist by NADA (National Acupuncture Detoxification Association).
Before dedicating to acupuncture she graduated (B.Sc.) the University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Bucharest Romania and practiced as a pharmacist for 6 years.
As a pharmacist she was committed to offer superior patient care. Even though she was trained in conventional drug therapy Ioana was open to other treatment modalities and she broaden her expertise by studying homeopathy for one year. Ioana also holds a Homeopathy diploma from the French Institute of Boiron. She has included homeopathy in her life ever since.
Personal health issues which couldn’t be treated with conventional medicine brought her in contact with Reiki and acupuncture. This experience determined her to choose the path of natural healing and embarked on the journey of studying the art of acupuncture and becoming a healing practitioner herself.
Graduating from the acupuncture school and getting her national and state license, did not mean the end of her training.
She was particularly fascinated by the effects of the sound and vibration on the human body so she first studied the art of healing with tuning forks and later with Tibetan singing bowls under the guidance of Tibetan Master Suren Shresta.
She also completed the Craniosacral Therapy Program offered by Bastyr University and advanced training classes with Etienne Piersman and Einat Arian.
She continues to take care of her own inner harmony with regular acupuncture treatments as well as daily practices of Reiki, Tai-Qi, Qi-Gong, or meditation.


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