Rejuvenate and Relax
Boost your self-care with this relaxing and rejuvenating workshop led by Katie Hosler RYT 200, that will nourish you and leave you feeling inspired for the week ahead. The yoga class will proceed at a gentle pace to counter-balance the fast paced world we live in. Our practice will be accompanied by ambient live music by Kelly Daring and Chris Patterson. With a healing sound bath at the end. Everybody is welcome.
Date & Time: Friday, September 27th from 6 – 7:30pm
Cost: $30
About The Instructor: Katie Hosler
Katie has been practicing yoga since 2011 where she first discovered yoga by reading about eastern philosophies, inspired from authors like Adyashanti, Osho and Thich Nhat Hanh. The practice of yoga has helped her to find balance after struggling with depression and anxiety. Even though it is a constant practice, Katie enjoys sharing with others what she has learned. In 2014 she completed a 200-hour RYS Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, India. Also completing alternative trainings thereby finding influences from other Hatha yoga styles like Yin, Vinyasa, Yoga Nidra and Sivananda. The main emphasis of any class is connecting breath with movement and bringing students awareness into the present moment. By proceeding at a gentle pace aiming to balance the fast paced world we live in and to feel more grounded. Classes build strength and flexibility and focus on quieting the mind to reduce stress and enhance mental health. Katie is inspired by teachers like Seane Corn, T. K. V. Desikachar and Ram Dass.