Shoulder INtegration!
In this workshop, Jenna will help you understand the basic anatomy of the shoulder and how to properly stabilize it in commonly practiced yoga poses (i.e. downward dog, side plank, cobra, warrior 2, dolphin, crow, and wheel to name a few). When the shoulder is properly integrated you will find more range of motion, strength, and flexibility not to mention better alignment throughout your entire body on and off the mat.
Schedule: Sat, Dec 2nd 10:30am-12:30pm
Cost: $45
About the instructor: Jenna
Jenna is a yoga educator, mom, and wife, and is passionate about sharing the gift of yoga with her surrounding community. Yoga practitioners describe her as a highly skilled instructor who is welcoming, fun, and creative, and her passion for teaching comes through in every single class. Her style of teaching empowers practitioners to deepen their practice physically, mentally, and emotionally.
Her values directly align with Vesselify’s School of Yoga values which are threefold: Community (inclusive, grounded, warm, yoga in action), Longevity (foundational form, biomechanics, self-care, and continuous learning), and Possibility (saying yes to life and embracing all it throws at us; staying in connection through adversity vs. bypassing the chaos).