Come and Embrace Summer with Yogini’s Gone Wild!!! This is THE Longest Day of the Year. Why not Enjoy it while taking part in Yoga and Mindfulness! Set intentions for the remainder of the year and Join in the Celebration of Sun! Both Yoga Classes are Suitable for All Levels.
Prior to the classes we will be performing a public cord cutting with a releasing of what no longer feeds our spirits!
We will be building our energy and Celebrating with a Power Class first and then bringing in the Relaxation and Rejuvenation with a slow paced, elongating and loving class followed by guided meditation.
Bring your Mats, Pillows, Blankets, Water and dress for the weather (the sun will be going down).
10% of all proceeds will be directly donated to Seattle Children’s Hospital CDH Research Fund in the Name of CDH Warriors of the Pacific Northwest Guild, to help continue research for Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia. ❤️
Tickets are on sale Now
Date: Jun. 21st, 2019 @18:30 – 21:30
Cost: $25
About the instructor: Christina Stembler
has been a resident of Snoqualmie since 2007. Her Experience ranges from 20 plus Years practice in: Licensed Massage Therapy, Somatic Body Structure, Myofacial Work, Reiki Master: Usui Tradition & Shamanic Reiki, Earth Energy Practitioner, Shamanic Practitioner, Moon Circle Leader, Metaphysical Practitioner, Advanced Energy Practitioner, Chakra Work, Crystal Therapy, Aromatherapy, Herbal Therapy, Spiritual Counsel, Intuitive Guidance, Meditation/ Hypno Therapist, Aerial Yoga Instruction and 200Hr YTT. Every Class is filled with Love, Light, Positivity and Energy Work. Christina’s Favorite Posture is Shavasana, “So much can be accomplished as we learn to give back to our Bodies and Minds, a Minute in Shavasana does Wonders.”
When Not Teaching Yoga or her Other Eclectic Classes, Christina is an Avid Supporter of Seattle Children’s Hospital, running her own Guild for research of Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia (A condition her Son was Born with).
In her Spare time, Christina likes to go for walks on any of the Many beautiful Trails in Wa., Photograph the Amazingness of Nature, Write/ Blog/ Record and Spend time with her Family of 4 Children and 1 Awesome Husband.