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Learn the art of asana in motion in this YogaDance intensive with Theresa Elliott at Taj Yoga in Seattle.

This 5-day intensive will delve into the rich relationship between music, body and mind through the study of Yogadance. Posture, stylized yoga sequences, and a broad range of music will be explored and combined to create a set work of yoga choreography.

Theresa Elliott has developed and refined a unique methodology of instruction for her original content and choreography over the last 25 years. Through deconstruction, intellectual engagement and physical repetition, she teaches the relationship between the stillness of stationary posture, the transitions of vinyasa, and the expression of Yogadance.

The intensive culminates in an informal performance at the annual Taj Yoga Summer Works in Progress
show, Friday evening, July 17. Performing is an exciting way to share and inspire others, and
strengthens the group bond forged through the week. Participation in the performance is optional
and highly recommended.

You will learn:

  • A fully choreographed Yogadance to incorporate into practice and teaching
  • Foundational patterns integrating asana and movement
  • How to move and transition β€œin-between” the poses
  • How to hear, count, and respond to music
  • Ensemble work, moving individually and in unison
  • Concepts for teaching
  • How to analyze and see movement
  • And much, much more!

This workshop is limited to 18 participants only! It is open to both sincere students and teachers alike.

Cost: $750/person but book your spot by June 1st and only pay $695

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