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Learn about specific foods that help nourish your soul, and why to eat them every day!

FREE for all!

-Date: Mar 24 2019
-Time: From 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM



About the instructor: Marchella


Marchella is a 2,000-Hr Certified Purna Yoga Instructor and an IAYT certified Yoga therapist. She has been a student of yoga since 2001 and has been teaching since 2007.
Marchella has an expertise in teaching kid’s yoga classes for all ages (toddler-teenagers). She also has experience working with children with autism or high stress/anxiety. She is a faculty member of the Purna Yoga College and is currently teaching the 200 hour program. Marchella is also a certified massage therapist and is fluent in Japanese and French.
Some of her hobbies include piano playing and traveling around the world. “I like music because it is very similar to the feeling of being in meditation: filled with love and light! And I have always enjoyed traveling to new places to see and experience new perspectives on life and the way in which people live.


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