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Do you have questions about our upcoming Sat Guru 200 HR YTT certification program? Join us for a free Q & A session. We will discuss our curriculum, training requirements, and schedule and answer questions regarding registration, qualifications, and tuition.

Free and Open To All


Date & Time: Friday, July 26, 2019 @6:30pm – 7:30pm


About the instructor: Heather Falkin


I seek to merge the old school and the new school approaches to guiding students to a sacred place within themselves. My classes are rooted in the eight limbs of yoga, Vedic tradition, Hindu mythology, Buddism and the lessons I’m constantly receiving from spirit in my daily life. I offer classes that are physically invigorating, mentally clarifying, spiritually awakening and fun. Teaching from my heart to support the needs of the students in the room is my highest goal and my continued self-study and growth is key in reaching it.

When I’m not teaching, practicing yoga, and tending to the studio I’m tending to my family. I take time for me in the form of reading, walking my dogs and SUP’ing on the sound. My soul is nourished when I’m in the mountains, close to the ocean, traveling, and listening to music.


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