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The Bhagavad Gita is one of the texts most of us have heard of, but fewer tend to see it as practical advice for everyday life. And yet, this text is eminently readable and packed with pithy and profound statements about living.

Join this event for four 90 minute sessions where we unpack this text, consider its applications for us today, and enjoy the practice of getting a handle on this book with an inspired learning community!

Zoom link will be provided upon receipt of payment.

Date and time:



$180, $150 if registered by July 1.


About the instructor: Molly Lannon Kenny


Molly Lannon Kenny

Molly Lannon Kenny has been on the path to fulfilling her dharma since her earliest memories.  As a child, her parents would frequently take her and her brothers and sisters to the bookstore and let them wander for hours, lost in the magic of words and pictures.  Molly often found herself sitting cross legged, flipping through BKS Iyengar’s Light on Yoga, intrigued and entranced by the photos and the mystery behind them.  As a child, she was both physical and flexible, and often heard “you should do yoga!” from the adults around her, although it had very little meaning to her, but in fact, was most likely what sent her to the Yoga section of the bookstore in the seventies, long before Yoga was so widely accepted and practiced in the United States.

Life brought her many opportunities to share her fire and to realize her dream, but it was only when she discovered Yoga as a practice, rather than an odd set of circus tricks, did her specific path become clear to her.  Molly has been teaching Yoga to all levels of practitioners for over ten years, and has worked tirelessly to create outreach programs to people who would otherwise not have the opportunity to experience joy and contentment through the timeless teachings of Yoga.

In 2001, she founded The Samarya Center for Humankind (ness), a 501 c 3 non-profit organization dedicated to individual transformation and radical social change. She created, published and trademarked a unique therapy method, Integrated Movement Therapy, built on these same principles of acceptance and inclusion.  She has written and taught extensively on the topics of Yoga as Therapy and Yoga as a means to individual and social change, and is widely known as a vibrant, funny, accessible teacher, with a heart of gold and a spirit of fire.


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