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Science based. Trauma informed. Intuition welcomed.

No yoga experience required. This training is open to anyone that wants to learn more about the healing and grounding qualities of hands-on assists, or how to sequence a physical flow of stillness with gentle movement to calm the nervous system. For yoga teachers, this training is eligible for Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Credits.


$175 a person
Non-refundable $100 down payment

What you will receive: 

  • an understanding of the philosophy behind “touch” and “assist”
  • elementary principles of Reiki/energetic assists
  • physical assists
  • fundamental stances that keep our body in alignment/how to self-care while assisting
  • how to “double” touch
  • scientific benefits from touch
  • when NOT to assist/touch (a trauma informed perspective)
  • The Touch Class Sequence
  • 2 calming playlists

Most yoga teachers are trained how to adjust students in their 200 hour, but this training begins the inquiry into a different side of “hands-on assists.” Intelligent adjustments can fix posture alignment, and an aware touch can be a healing experience. Rae and Ginger will be outlining how to meet your students as they are, when and how to assist them into a deeper level of relaxation, and the ways you can begin to tap into your own creative intuition to make a class themed around supported stillness, gentle movement, and grounding touch.

Date: Saturday and Sunday March 2nd and 3rd, 1:15-4:15pm


About the instructors:

Ginger Saunders Yoga Bio


Rachael Helsel

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