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Jessica & Heidi are bringing you even more opportunities in 2023 to slow down, quiet the mind, and turn YINward. Join them for their signature 90-min YIN experience on the 4th Friday* every other month.
The theme of these sessions will coincide month to month with the shift that we see seasonally within the natural world around us. Thus allowing you the most aligned and nourishing internal balance as we harness the beauty of nature within us. We will practice stillness, answer the calling for self-care, and embody the rhythm that each season has to offer. You will tune into your body’s unique needs and honor the information it sends you.

YIN yoga is truly the perfect balance to all of our yang (active) lifestyles and activities. Not only is it a means to let go and release tension & stress, yin also grounds the central nervous system, strengthens the immune system, and helps you find harmony within your mind, body & spirit.

Please join us for these dreamy 90-minute sensory experiences of extended, grounding stretches combined with essential oils and loving, weighted touch to help you gently release on a deeper level. You will leave feeling blissful, tension-free, and prepared for a good night of sleep. Class is limited to 16 students to ensure plenty of personalized attention is given to each of you.

Date and time: Sep 29, 2023 at 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Cost: $50 investment for this nourishing whole body experience.


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