What is whiteness? What is white privilege? How can folks who identify as white become more aware of internalized racism and white supremacy in ourselves and the world? And how can our spiritual practice support white folks to courageously follow this inquiry without collapsing in shame and guilt?
Racism is not only racial hatred and bigotry, it includes the vast array of visible and invisible systems that give advantages to people who are considered white while disadvantaging people of color. For white identified folks, looking at it can be painful, provocative, and ultimately liberating.
Come and unpack these questions with the guidance of an experienced, knowledgeable, and compassionate facilitator. The series format will allow time to digest and inquire in a supportive environment.
Please note: this is not an asana (yoga posture) class. Each session will involve portions of lecture, discussion, and awareness/mindfulness practice.
The curriculum of this series is primarily designed for people who identify as white to do the important work of waking up to racism in ourselves and the world. People of color are welcome to join, at no charge.* We recognize that this type of content could be traumatic or triggering and encourage folks of color to register with a friend and define an after-care plan.
Please email annephyfe@8limbsyoga.com with questions.
CAPITOL HILL with Anna–BrownGriswold
WEDNESDAYS, 7:30 – 9:00PM
October 24 – December 12, 2018 (no class 10/31 and 11/21)
Cost for 6-week series: $150
Please join our Social Justice Newsletter to learn about similar offerings, or visit our Yoga for Social Change page for updates.
*To be added to our roster for this class at no charge, please email info@8limbsyoga.com with “Unpacking Whiteness” in the subject line.
Note: Our series require a minimum of five registered participants, by five days before the start date; if you are considering joining please register early.
Cancellation Policy: Refunds of 90% up to five days prior to start of series. No refunds allowable after that time.