Explore simple mantras and longer chants from the Vedas of ancient India. Students will be encouraged and supported to develop Vedic chant as part of their personal practice. The classes will be personalized to meet the specific needs and desires of those attending (input will be requested from those who register). New and experienced chanters are welcome!
Virginia Wise has studied Vedic chant with Sonia Nelson, longtime student of TKV Desikachar, for more than 10 years and yoga with her and other teachers for more than 30 years. Vedic chant has been an important addition to her personal practice, a source of strength and stability through challenging times. She wants to offer others the opportunity to discover its gifts for themselves.
“To share Vedic chant is to share the experience of silence through listening, a process of healing and a link with nature, the deeper self and the divine.” -TKV Desikachar
For more info please call SoundYoga: 206-938-8195
-Sat, May 11th, 2019
-Sat, June 15th, 2019
Time: 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Location: Sound Yoga
Cost: $30
About the instructor: Virginia Wise
Virginia Wise has studied Vedic chant with Sonia Nelson, a longtime student of TKV Desikachar, for more than 10 years and yoga with her and other teachers for more than 30 years. Vedic chant has been an important addition to her personal practice, a source of strength and stability through challenging times. She wants to offer others the opportunity to discover its gifts for themselves.