We are excited to be offering Three approximately one-year courses for those who would like a chance to be in either a weekly or weekend class that can help you to develop a personal yoga practice and to improve gradually each month. The Courses are taught by Center For Yoga of Seattle Director Richard Schachtel, one of the Northwest’s Most Experienced Yoga Teachers.
Too often yoga classes and courses never get anywhere as new students are constantly joining the class, casually trying it out, and then the course ends, only to be starting over again.
The 45 session Daytime & Weekend Yoga Practitioner Courses or the 24 Session Weekend Practitioner Courses are for those who want to be in a more elite learning environment, one which progresses gradually to allow the students to get comfortable with a deeper and more powerful practice. The course is not for those who need a slower or gentle yoga class. But otherwise, all are welcome to register and join this exclusive type of yoga course. Even beginners to Iyengar Yoga are welcome to enroll.
Richard teaches the Iyengar Method of Yoga which emphasizes developing a practice with a high degree of precision of alignment.
Iyengar Yoga is also known for helping to develop a practice that is appropriate for the individual. Iyengar Yoga is a fun method of yoga to practice where there are many types of daily practice that can be chosen.
Standing Poses are the foundational poses for the entire system. Props are often used to develop stability, to prevent over-stretching, and to bring more vitality and space to the poses. Iyengar Yoga is well-known as the Gold Standard of Yoga Systems. Richard Schachtel is the Seattle Areas Most Senior Teacher of Iyengar Yoga.
Here are some of the poses you will be learning how to practice and will practicing:
Standing Poses:
- Mountain Pose
- Tree Pose
- Extended Triangle
- Revolving Triangle
- Extended Lateral Angle
- Revolving Side Angle
- Warriors 1,2,3
- Half Moon
- Intense Side Stretch
- Spread Foot Intense Pose
- Big Toe Pose
- Intense Stretch Pose
Sitting Poses:
- Hero Pose & Mountain Pose in Hero
- Easy Pose & Mountain Pose in Easy Pose
- Pose of the Powers
- Lotus Pose
Forward Extensions:
- Stick Pose
- Head of the Knee Pose
- Intense Stretch of the West Side of the Body
- 3 Part Face to 1 Leg
- Marichi Asana 1
- Seated Angle Pose and Side Seated Angle Pose
- Marichi Asana 3
- Half Lord of The Fishes Version 1
Backward Extensions:
- 2 Legged Inverted Staff Pose with Chair
- Upward Dog
- Upward Facing Bow
- Bow Pose
- Camel Pose
- Cobra Pose
- Locust Pose
Inverted Poses:
- Shoulderstand and many variations
- Headstand
- Full Arm Balance
- Forearm Balance
Relaxation Poses:
- Corpse Pose
- Supported Bridge
- Inverted Lake Pose
Arm Balances:
- Side Plank
- Shoulder Piercing Pose
- Crane Pose
And probably more than this!
The Tuesday and Thursday course will meet weekly when Richard is in Seattle. The Weekend course meets on pre-arranged 24 Saturdays in September 2017, March 2018, June 2018, July 2018, and September 2018.
The fee for the course is $1,200. We are offering a special price of $899. Late Registration Fee will be $1,400.
Register Early to have your space in one of these courses. We have a limited number of people we can admit for these courses.
About the Teacher: Richard Schachtel
Richard Schachtel has been training in Iyengar Yoga for over 40 years. He founded The Center For Yoga in 1980 and is a Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher and an authorized Iyengar Yoga Teacher Trainer. He has made 22 yoga study trips to India to personally train with the Iyengar Family most recently in December 2016. Richard is the Seattle Area’s most Senior Iyengar Yoga Teacher. Richard has been training teachers in Seattle since 1986 and has influenced several generations of yoga teachers. There are over 100 recent graduates of this program which is offered also on the weekends, and in 4 week immersions. Richard has taught yoga workshops throughout the USA, at several Iyenger Yoga National Conventions, in Australia and India, and taught this spring in China.