Iyengar Yoga is rich with very specific information and sequences for Women on how to Practice during your monthly Menstrual Period.
There are specific sequences of supported forward extensions, backward extensions, supine poses, and restoratives that are extremely soothing to practice.
Like all of Iyengar Yoga, there is a lot of information on how to practice correctly.
What is Special about this Workshop is that you will be able to learn to practice using props is ways that are very relaxing and restorative and help to alleviate common discomfort that may arise at that time. The practice is deep and the effect is powerful.
It’s one thing to look at photos of how to practice and quite another to learn how to intricately adjust the props to get the most positive benefit without any discomfort or ill effect.
The workshop is open to all: those with Iyengar Yoga Experience, those lacking Iyengar Yoga Experience but keep to Learn How To Practice at This Important Time of the Month in an intelligent manner. The workshop is also open to male yoga teachers and male teacher training students who will gain some valuable insights on how women can do their practice during menstruation.
Sadly the information presented in this workshop is lacking in modern gym and trendy fitness yoga studios. The information for this workshop comes from the yoga methods developed by Geeta Iyengar and her father, BKS Iyengar.
Date & Time:
- Saturday, January 18th
- 1:00pm-4:00pm
Fee: $60 Early Registration $45, if paid by Sunday, January 12th.
About The Instructor:
The workshop is taught by Ming Wang from China. She has served as a translator for Yoga Workshops for Chinese Students both in China and in India for BKS Iyengar, Geeta Iyengar, Prashant Iyengar, and most of the leading Indian, European, American, and Australian Iyengar Yoga Teachers who teach workshops in China.
Ming is an Iyengar Yoga student sho studies in the teacher training program run by American Yoga Teacher Gloria Goldberg of San Diego. She teaches occasional yoga classes at the Iyengar Yoga Institutes of China in Guangzhou and Beijing.