As we transition towards nature’s most introspective season, much of the natural world moves inward. The sun rises later and sets earlier. Observing the quietness of nature, we can reflect that Winter is a time to rest and replenish. A time to draw inward and gather and store our energy.
In our extended yin practice we will apply static, gentle pressure in long holds to build fluidity and elasticity throughout your connective tissues. This workshop is focused on yin yoga poses for the hips and spine. The yin practice promotes strength and the mobility of Qi (vital energy) flow throughout the meridian systems we will be specifically targeting enhancing and balancing Kidney Qi.
For many of us our lifestyles during the holiday season can feel really yang (read active and social). It’s often a time of year filled with parties, family commitments, and gatherings with friends, late nights, the list goes on. Optimal health is finding a balance – harmonizing our inner life with nature and nurturing our unique rhythms.
In this workshop I’ll be sharing some soul nourishing practices that can support you in clearing some internal space and taking time out to “pause” to reset and restore healthy rhythms. Taking a “pause” amidst the momentum of the holiday pace deepens our capacity to listen to what we need to nurture ourselves and others. Let’s move into the holiday season together with ease.
-Fri Date: 11/30/2018 From: 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm
-Cost: $25
About the instructor: Leah Adams
Leah is a passionate student of Ayurveda and is a certified Ayurvedic Health Counselor and has completed a NAMA (National Ayurvedic Medical Association) approved course of study. She incorporates this as well as Meditation, Chinese Medicine Meridian Theory, Western Science, and Nature into her teaching, bringing her love of yoga and her ever-growing knowledge of it to share with others. Leah teaches weekly classes to providers at Washington’s top Cancer Care Hospital, is serving as a faculty member for a CME (continuing medical education) course of Seattle’s Virginia Mason Hospital, and has also lead mindful yin classes at the University of Washington Mindfulness Project. In her classes, she encourages students to find a connection to their inner wisdom, healing, creativity, and joy. She believes that every choice, every day, in every way, can add restored vitality and mind-body balance into our lives. Through her study and practice of yoga and Ayurveda, across three continents she’s learned that living in alignment with nature is the ultimate form of self-care.