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This workshop is suitable for all levels. Learn how the combination of gentle yoga, deep breathing (pranayama) and mindful meditation can help us reduce anxiety, be present, find our center, balance the emotions, and make our body strong and flexible.


  • Sat, Nov 4, 2017
  • 9:00 am – 1:00 pm

Cost: $38

About the Instructor: Roy Holman

roy-holmanI am a 500 hour Certified Yoga teacher, in the Viniyoga tradition. I teach a safe, gentle, body-friendly, grounded, breath-connected, meditative, flowing traditional hatha yoga – a meditation in motion really. I like to move slow, give time to breathe deeply and savor the poses. I also teach breath-work (pranayama) and meditation, and also try to incorporate the many aspects of emotional healing and balancing I have learned. The meditation is a mindfulness style, with focus on breath awareness, heart opening, body senses, emotional clearing, and connection on all levels (body, breath, emotions, Earth, Spirit).

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