On the mat or off, opening your heart is a full body experience. Backbends offer both challenge and sweet release, striking a balance between effort and surrender. This workshop is built around a fun flow, cultivating strength to allow for opening that feels safe and expansive. As we work toward deeper backbends, we will also integrate reflection and journaling to allow the openness in your body to manifest in your heart. After the flow, enjoy a long Savasana with aromatherapy massage to support sustained openness both on and off the mat. You’ll leave this practice feeling energized, refreshed, and ready to embrace the season ahead.
Date & Time: Sunday, May 17th, 1:30-3pm
Cost: $25
About the instructor: Michelle Chambers
Yogi. Teacher. Dancer. In love with movement. Spreading joy and gratitude through the physical, mental, and spiritual practice of Yoga.
I have always been in love with movement, using all of my being to express an emotion, an idea, a prayer. I did this through ballet for many years, until my body decided yoga was a better idea. I soon discovered that yoga was therapeutic not only for my aching back and joints, but also for my mind and even my soul. As I grew in my physical practice, I began to explore each asana as a means of expressing the love and gratitude in my heart.
Inspired by this flow of grace, I completed a Vinyasa Yoga teacher training with Silvia Mordini to share the freedom and joy of movement through the physical, mental, and spiritual practice of Yoga.
Classes are based on a breath-driven Vinyasa flow, moving with grace to cultivate awareness, strength, and harmony of body and mind.