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Turn up the Light!
November 2-3, 2019
Please note that this is an alcohol free event.

Healing and Meditation and Community Retreat. The retreat theme will be movingRoy Holman Heatth connections- From Woe to wow Yoga retreat from pain and suffering to joy and aliveness. We will learn how to balance what is sometimes called “Spiritual bypass” with “emotional intelligence”. In other words, not escaping into spirituality or any other bypass, and also not losing ourselves in the world of emotions. We will learn how to raise our energy, get connected and centered in our true or Higher Self. We will also offer an “earth Update” about the incredible changes going on, andoffer tips for not only surviving these changes but thriving and helping co-create amazing shift internally and on Earth. We will learn how to dance in the shadows and not dodge, bury, resist, or project them. We will learn how to raise our energy vibration to align with the rising energy on Earth at this time of shift and ascension.

Align with Divine
We will explore remembering who we are, rediscovering or connecting our essential nature, true self. We will play with ways you can realign with and access this source of intelligence that always awaits us within. This results in less fear, more confidence and sense of empowerment.

We will be fairly busy for these two days, There will be guided meditations, discussion, stories, teachings, walking meditations, gentle yoga, fun exercises, and much more. Basically, we will take a pragmatic approach to balance body and spirit, which is not something most humans are great at! But so important for success and well being, and fulfilling our purpose on Earth.

Emotional Literacy
We will enter the watery world of emotions and learn how to feel fully and get to know our inner world. It is not as scary as you might think, and actually refreshingly liberating, even joyful. We will discuss how to get to know our shadow (buried or repressed areas). We will learn about projection (seeing in others what we cannot see in ourselves.) We will also see just how amazingly beautiful we really are!



None! This is our most affordable retreat option, but not lacking in great vibes. Our home in North Everett is humble, but has been used for many years for healing and spiritual interfaith gatherings, and is “infused” with nice energy to facilitate our journey together. You can return home at night, or find local accommodations. We also have a room or two that can be rented for $50.


Leaders, cooks
Liz and Roy pride ourselves in creating loving, organic, healthy yet amazingly tasty lunches (Saturday and Sunday), with healthy delicious desserts!

Liz gross


Liz Gross: “I believe all healing involves alignment of the soul with the body.” Liz is a gifted sound and vibration healer, and teaches with Roy on retreats. Liz teaches yoga, meditation, Oneness and often does some of the cooking on our retreats. “When you’re consciously in touch with the life energy within yourself, you have awareness & communication with the flow of energy that connects you to spirit. I feel very passionate about Vibrational Medicine and love working with others in this way & helping others to connect with their purpose and passion in life. Vibrational Energy Medicine brings the physical, emotional, mental, & spiritual bodies back into balance, which opens the way for rebuilding the healing systems of the body.”

Roy Holman



Roy Holman: I am a 500 hour Certified Yoga teacher, in the Viniyoga tradition. I teach a safe, gentle, body-friendly, grounded, breath-connected, meditative, flowing traditional hatha yoga – a meditation in motion really. I like to move slow, give time to breathe deeply and savor the poses. I also teach breath-work (pranayama) and meditation, and also try to incorporate the many aspects of emotional healing and balancing I have learned. The meditation is a mindfulness style, with focus on breath awareness, heart opening, body senses, emotional clearing, and connection on all levels (body, breath, emotions, Earth, Spirit).


Roy Holman Heatth connections- From Woe to wow Yoga retreat


Who attends
You! We usually have about 8-12 people, a chance to make new friends and connect. We only ask that you be willing to be open, real, and a tad vulnerable as we will be inviting us to explore our inner landscape.

$180 includes two full days of profound and practical  teachings, lessons, meditations, organic lunch each day, community, at the serene and healing home of Roy & Liz in North Everett.

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