Marisa Gant is the founder of Naturefy, a health, wellness and spiritual counselor and organizational development consultant. With seven years of experience in the business world in a variety of roles, Marisa founded Naturefy to guide and mentor individuals, businesses and communities to harness their true nature, connect with the sacred and live in greater accordance with nature’s natural rhythms and cycles.
All in all, Marisa holds spiritual and personal development as pivotal shaping forces in her life. She grew up highly sensitive and intuitive and from a young age began exploring Buddhism and later Taoism to better understand herself and the world. She received the label of dyslexia in her childhood, alongside a very smart and capable twin sister, which prompted her to persevere and demonstrate fearlessness in developing herself, a trait she has carried throughout her life. An avid athlete by nature, she plays soccer regularly, dances, snowboards, runs and practices yoga. She also has a heightened sense of adventure and loves trying new things and consistently challenging herself and others around her to grow.
Marisa believes we each bring unique gifts and intelligences to the world and that through spiritual and personal growth, we each hold the key individually and within groups to unfold and blossom so as to serve ourselves and the planet in beautiful and harmonious ways.