Looking for a new perspective on your health or health in general? Join Angela Glaz for an introduction into the wonderful world of Ayurveda!
Described as the Vedic Science of Life, Ayurveda is a five-thousand-year-old healing tradition originating in India. It is the sister science to yoga or the medical side of yoga. Ayurveda studies the harmony between humans and the environment and treats every individual as a whole, assessing body, mind, and spirit to assist in maintaining overall health.
In this workshop, you’ll have the opportunity to learn the fundamental principles of Ayurveda and how you can use those principles in your own life to create optimal health. *Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Accredited (2 hours)
Who’s This Course For? Anyone who is ready to take their health and well-being into their own hands.
What’s Included? Workshop Packet with 5 learning modules 2-week guide to help you bring in more self-awareness and ease your way into living Ayurvedically. Detailed instructions for 7 easy to incorporate Ayurvedic daily rituals. 30-40 minute Ayurvedic Yoga Practice
What You’ll Take Away?
✓ A new perspective on your body and your health.
✓ How to start making small changes with a big impact
✓ The tools you need to start living a life that caters to you and your unique qualities so that you can feel and be the best version of yourself!
Date: Sat. March 21st, 2020
Time: From 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm
Cost: $40
About the instructor: Angela Glaz
Angela Glaz is the mastermind behind Eka and all of its offerings. Through her own physical and mental health challenges, she was inspired to create a safe and helpful space that encourages holistic health and the celebration of what makes each of us unique.
Angela has been teaching yoga and indulging in the wonders of Ayurveda for over a decade. She is continually blessed and inspired by the ways she sees Yoga and Ayurveda transform lives and bodies, including her own. Angela has a genuine passion for teaching all things and finds joy in encouraging her students and clients to explore their unique gifts.
When not teaching or consulting, you’ll most likely find Angela urban hiking with her fur baby, Desta the dachshund, or getting experimental in the kitchen.