Nothing in our body is simple, and this includes the structure of our wrists. We use them everyday, but the majority of us have no idea what they are constructed of, or how to prevent long-term damage and pain. Without the mobility of our wrists our range of motion will be limited, thus understanding their complexity and learning about the anatomy of our wrists is critical in order to protect them and provide them with strength, support and flexibility.
Yoga can help in the healing process, however the kind of yoga you practice and how you practice it is important. If you are experiencing pain, make sure you communicate this to your instructor for his or her advice. It is key to proactively think about your weight distribution and the alignment of your body for poses that put pressure on your wrists.
You should also use props to modify your postures thus ensuring proper recovery. Certain yoga styles demand a lot out of our wrists and the quick movements do not allow time for modification. Until you heel, you might also consider finding a different yoga style that does not put as much pressure on your wrists. Only return to your usual practice once your wrists feel better.
Also, before each practice make sure you warm-up: circle your wrists left and right in both directions which will help with the blood flow. Below, we have included a few videos and posture examples meant to help you modify your practice accordingly in and outside the studio. Here is a short video describing the anatomy of the wrist.
This Ashtanga yoga practice video shows a forearm modified version of Chaturanga complementary for people with a wrist injury
Here is a useful wrist pain relief video that allows you to do additional exercises on your own outside of the yoga classroom
Sometimes making just simple modifications can be enough for your practice to receive the same benefits while being careful in regards to your injury.
Here is a list of poses to consider applying modifications to:
- Downward-Facing Dog Pose – with the arms and torso parallel to the floor
- Downward-Facing Dog Pose – while bending your knees, so you avoid pressure on the wrists but the weight is evenly distributed
- Forearm Chaturanga (shown in the video above)
- Shalabhasana – the locust pose allows blood flow to flourish throughout the elbows and wrists while straighten them and helping to get rid of scar tissue. Do this posture cautiously (you might have to avoid the third part for some time).
Mostly, avoid weight-bearing poses. And don’t forget: If you are on the computer for the rest of the day, getting an ergonomic keyboard can be essential for the health of your wrists.
[photo by emptyage – CC BY]
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