Submerge your body and mind with a Sound Bath led by Vanessa Payne. Feel the stress of daily life rinse away as this Soulful woman guides you towards a state of oneness and release.

power vinyasa and yin instructor
In my yoga classes, you bare witness to your emotions, thoughts, and sensations. I encourage my students to use the pose to experience their body rather than using their body to experience the pose. In my classes, I desire to share what my teachers have shared with me. I started practicing yoga when I was 16-years-old and have studied with a diverse set of teachers with diverse backgrounds including Bikram, Baptiste, Ashtanga, Anusara, Hatha, and yin yoga. These experiences and perspectives have led me to my unique style of practicing and teaching.
When I am not on the mat or leading others through practice, I work as a consultant in organizational change and communications. More importantly, though, I cherish time with family and friends. I strive to create nourishment through conversation, walks with Maveric, yoga, dark chocolate, watercolors, recipes and pedicures.