Inverted Poses are some of the most important poses to have in your yoga practice.
Sadly these poses are not taught or emphasized in many “modern Yoga classes.”
By inverted poses, we mean handstand (with the heels against the wall), headstand, and shoulderstand, and viiparita karne( chest puffed out with a bolster and legs up the wall).
The workshop is for those without significant health issues and in particular no major wrist injuries for the handstand segment, neck issues for the shoulderstand and headstand segment.
The teacher is one of the Northwest’s Most Experiences Teachers. Richard Schachtel has taught for over 25 years and directs the Northwest’s Largest Yoga Teacher Training Program.
Date & Time:
- Saturday, January 11th.
- From 11:00am-1:15pm
Fee: $40, $30 for those who register by 12/15.
Limited Enrollment
No credit for cancellations
About The Teacher: Richard Schachtel
Richard Schachtel is Seattle’s most experienced yoga teacher trainer. He has taught special classes for those wanting to be trained to teach yoga since 1986.
Richard Schachtel has been training in Iyengar Yoga for over 40 years which emphasis developing a practice with a high degree of precision of alignment. He founded The Center For Yoga in 1980 and is a Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher and an authorized Iyengar Yoga Teacher Trainer. He has made 22 yoga study trips to India to personally train with the Iyengar Family most recently in December 2017. Richard is the Seattle Area’s most Senior Iyengar Yoga Teacher. Richard has been training teachers in Seattle since 1986 and has influenced several generations of yoga teachers. There are over 125 recent graduates of this program which is offered also on the weekends, and in 4 week immersions.
He has trained yoga teachers not only in Washington State but teachers from around the US, Canada, Europe, and Asia in his immersion yoga teacher trainings help several times each year in Seattle, and in Goa India each Winter.