Well, we are officially on our way back from Standing Rock. It was sad to leave but I felt so much better knowing in my heart that these are people who are organized, prepared and do not easily stand down.

Thank you to the Lakota and Dakota people for allowing us on your beautiful land this weekend. I’m absolutely still processing the powerful feelings I’ve experienced this past weekend in aiding the water protectors at standing rock. What an incredible, beautiful and powerful movement. I feel so blessed to have been able to be a part of it and hope to go back soon. I urge you, if you can – go to standing rock. Donate to the people of standing rock. Hashtags and sharing articles honestly does very little in the short term, and with the army corps of engineering threatening their removal on December 5th, the short term may be all they have.

Mainstream media has failed to report on the prayerful nature of this movement. This is something these people are willing to die for, PEACEFULLY. The elders and traditional leaders have very explicitly stated that this is a nonviolent movement and reprimanded any dissenters. The prayers begin at the crack of dawn and ceremony goes until about 3am each morning. They are prepared to spend an entire North Dakota winter (which is beyond any winter I have ever experienced and I’m sure it’s the same for many of you as well) in temporary structures. Life is sacred. This life is worth fighting for and this earth is worth fighting for.

Something I encourage you all to think more critically about is to STOP wishing for an Obama 3rd term. Where is Obama now?! The whole establishment will lie to you and pretend to care about our lives, they will pretend to care about civil liberties and pin us against each other blaming ignorance and hatred. If I have learned anything from this experience it’s that our government will do anything to protect corporate interests. A trump presidency is scary yes but hasn’t really changed anything except our awareness. The time is now. Change needs to happen now. Enough bullying and maiming innocent people for corporate interests.

There is a reason indigenous people don’t want to assimilate and never will. It’s honestly pretty shameful to be an American when our phones are being tapped, we are being constantly under surveillance, and helicopters are flying overhead 24/7 during a peaceful protest. All because they are SCARED! They are scared of the power of unity and prayer. Don’t let them divide us. Will you tell indigenous people, “If you don’t like America, leave!” Hell no! We have power through unity. I never felt like an outsider at Oceti Sakowin camp. I was told so long as I respect the traditions of the people of the land, I was safe there. These are the movements I want to get behind. The ones that say all life is sacred and we reject the corporate agenda. We reject neo-liberalism, and the American corpratocracy. We reject all “isms” and xenophobia. This breath is sacred, this air is sacred, THIS WATER IS SACRED.

I plead with you not to remain passive during the history being made at standing rock right now, the results of this could influence how our government operates for years to come and in the face of a trump presidency we need to come together NOW. Show up, donate, write letters, call your elected representatives to express your position on the issue. I stand with standing rock and the Lakota Sioux people.

#NoDAPL #MniWiconi #peacefulrevolution #fuckcorpratocracy #istandwithstandingrock


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