Join Megan for a special celebration to welcome the new year. The new year marks one of our many times of transition in our calendar year and invites us an opportunity for reflection on the year past and intention setting for the year to come. Our morning will begin with an asana practice designed to flush the system and stimulate the body’s energy system and cultivate a sense of release of the past year. Students will then be guided in to a supported savasana where they will experience the sounds of crystal bowls, chimes and other sound instruments. Finally, we will end with silent meditation as we plant the seeds for the coming year. We will have a short time for reflection at which point students will have the opportunity to journal and share their intentions for the coming year.
- Monday, Jan. 01, 2018
- 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
- $40 for early birds
- $50 after 12/26/17